📕 subnode [[@anagora@matrix.org/agora bridge api]] in 📚 node [[agora-bridge-api]]
  • [[push]] [[agora bridge api]]
    • build/release [[agora bridge api]] for the storing posts in the agora.
      • we want to create a git repository for each calling users, which the users could then [[claim]].
      • could be flask, included in [[agora bridge]] repo, copy/paste from [[agora server]] to begin with?
        • nope, it is typescript thanks to [[vera]], looking forward to set this up :)
      • but hopefully they can just communicate through yaml? or perhaps set up and write to sqlite to begin with
      • thought of consolidating everything into [[agora server]], but it feels cleaner to have writers and readers split. should scale better; if the write path goes down, the agora keeps serving just fine without having to do anything special.
        • probably keeps it simple to run a read only agora (mirror).
    • yes, going with [[read]] ([[agora server]]) and [[write]] ([[agora bridge]]) apis
    • request new git integrations (e.g. mount git repo X in path Y)
    • accept other inputs? like perhaps subnodes, which could go into a managed repo.
    • configure sources from social media (from agora bot)
    • in general this unlocks better [[signup]]
📖 stoas
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